Everything at a glance
The most important info about Hotel Immenhof
Start your vacation in the Palatinate region top informed. Whatever you need to know about the Hotel Immenhof - you will find it here. This will make your stay the perfect hotel experience.
We have the answers to your questions:
- Where can I get the latest info about the hotel? →Latest
- How do I travel stress-free? → Journey
- When can I check in? → From 15:00 we guarantee you the rooms
- When is check-out? → 11:00 am on the day of departure
- What are the vacation offers? → Offers
- What is the best way to reach Hotel Immenhof? → Contact
- What do other guests say about the hotel? → Reviews
- What's it like in and around the hotel? → Picture gallery
- Where is the nearest charging station for my electric car? → Approx. 150 m from the hotel, there is a charging station
- When do I book my wellness treatments? → Please book your treatments early, as our wellness team is very busy (before your arrival).