
Everything at a glance

The most important info about Hotel Immenhof

Start your vacation in the Palatinate region top informed. Whatever you need to know about the Hotel Immenhof - you will find it here. This will make your stay the perfect hotel experience.

We have the answers to your questions:

  • Where can I get the latest info about the hotel? →Latest
  • How do I travel stress-free? → Journey
  • When can I check in? → From 15:00 we guarantee you the rooms
  • When is check-out? → 11:00 am on the day of departure
  • What are the vacation offers? → Offers
  • What is the best way to reach Hotel Immenhof? → Contact
  • What do other guests say about the hotel? → Reviews
  • What's it like in and around the hotel? → Picture gallery
  • Where is the nearest charging station for my electric car? → Approx. 150 m from the hotel, there is a charging station
  • When do I book my wellness treatments? → Please book your treatments early, as our wellness team is very busy (before your arrival).

Customer testimonials

What other guests say

A beautiful, well-maintained and clean hotel with a family atmosphere. The staff is very helpful and friendly, you immediately felt comfortable - like home. The breakfast is delicious and extensive, the food in the restaurant very tasty. Ideal for a trip through the Palatinate.

Family business with heart, charm and style - mega delicious breakfast and excellent dinner. It's all about the little things and they are just right here. Great sauna area and good pool. The wellness program with Mrs. Strobel was also great!

Great wedding anniversary weekend! The wedding day offer has fully met our expectations. The special care for our day was really very commendable. We felt absolutely comfortable for the 3 days. The staff was courteous, the service without complaint. Also the culinary offer was again excellent. Many thanks to the entire Immenhof team!

Celebration with colleagues - Very friendly and helpful staff. Very attentive and competent service - especially the dinner staff. Excellent food with good and appropriate wine recommendations. Beautiful, clean and spacious rooms. Unfortunately there was no time for the beautiful wellness area. Will certainly come again.

Recommended hotel in a good location - We stayed at the hotel for a weekend and had a pleasant stay. There was a good breakfast - with champagne and salmon on Sundays. Dinner on the beautiful terrace was also delicious. With the Pfalzcard you could use the nearby beautiful outdoor pool for free.

Awards & Memberships

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